About JobLinguo


“Empowering the professional profile of people with migrant background” (JobLinguo) project is aimed at achieving the following objectives:
O1 > Support the job market inclusion of people with migrant background through the improvement of their professional profile in terms of sectoral language.
O2 > Adapt the training offer of VET providers and other stakeholders to the linguistic needs of people with migrant background


JobLinguo project envisages the following activities:
An1 Project Management: related to project management, coordination and monitoring.
An2 Development of the sectoral language programme: elaboration of the programme for VET learners with migrant background.
An3 Implementation of local trainings: testing phase of the programme developed in An2.
An4 Project Dissemination: related to the digital and physical dissemination of the project results


Sectoral language programme
The programme will be structured in three sections, one dedicated to the public administration one to the agricultural field and the third one to the financial and insurance activities.
Each section will be divided into sub-sections related to the daily work aspects of the selected sectors. The programme will combine reading, listening and graphic representation to provide a comprehensive learning experience.